Tuesday 18 June 2013

Past Papers of CSS, Pakistan Affairs(2009-13) Subjective Part


Pakistan affairs paper 2013
(PART-I MCQs) 30 MINUTES .................. MAX. MARKS:20
(Subjective Part)

Attempt only FOUR questions.

Q.No.2 Critically examine the Muslim shift from militancy to education with a special reference to the educational movements launched during the 19th century in South Asia. (20)
Q.No.3. Trace the history of the Muslim conquests of present day Pakistan areas highlighting their contributions in transforming the society and culture. (20)
Q.No.4. What was the contribution of the Muslim Press in the struggle of creation of Pakistan? Examine the role of prominent Muslim journalists in this regard. (20)
Q.No.5. Compare the socio-economic and political conditions of the Muslims and non-Muslims at the advent of British rule in South Asia? (20)
Q.No.6. Elucidate the difficulties in establishment of an Islamic order in Pakistan after independence. (20)
Q.No.7. “The twentieth century witnessed the war for oil. The twenty-first century will witness the war for water”. Examine the practical implications of this statement on situation of Pakistan. (20)
Q.No.8. Through Allama Iqbal’s writings and views of Quaid-i-Azam explain their conceptual understanding about the Islamic state. Do you agree that their vision found some place while explaining the constitutional developments throughout the case of Pakistan’s political history? (20)

Pakistan Affairs 2012

Attempt only four questions.

Q2 Discuss critically the role of Silsalah(Orders)in the development and progess of Muslim society in the Sub-Continent of Indo-Pakistan.
Q3 Sir Syed Ahmad Khan believed in "Trinity of ideas" i.e loyalty,devotion and aloofness".Discuss it in perspective of his reformation movement.
Q4 Before passing Lahore resolution(Pakistan Resolution)the division of Indian Sub-Continent was advocated by various thinkers,intellectuals and reformers.Discuss.
Q5 The "Objective Resolution"(1949) satisfied both orthodox and modernists by combining the features of Western and Islamic democracy.Discuss critically.
Q6 What is bureaucracy and what are its charactersitics?How did it play its role in strengthening and integration of Pakistan?
Q7.What are the security concerns of Pakistan?Suggest some measures by revisiting the foreign policy of Pakistan.
Q8 The location of Pakistan has given the strategic strength to the State.What are its physical features and narrate its advantages and dis-advantages.
Pakistan Affairs 2011
Attempt any four questions
Q.2 Briefly analyze and discuss the contribution of the religious reforms – Shaik Ahmed Sirhandi, Shah Walliullah, Syed Ahmed Barelvi and the like – in the growth of Muslim consciousness in the South-Asian subcontinent.
Q.3 John Plamentaz defines ‘Nationalism’ as “the desire to preserve or enhance peoples national or cultural identity, when that identity is threatened or the desire to transform or even create it when it is felt to be inadequate or lacking.”
In the light of above definition, briefly but comprehensively discuss the respective role played by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan, Allama Iqbal and the Quaid-e-Azam in strengthening the Muslim nationalism in India.
Q.4 Describe the main content and relative importance of the Lucknow Pact and Delhi Muslim Proposals and their respective impact on the subsequent political development in India.
Q.5 Can the Lahore Resolution be termed as the ‘Magna Carta’ of Pakistan? Take a position and support your argument by historical facts, if any.
Q.6 Give a critical appraisal of the constitutional crises/crises initiated by the controversial actions taken by Governor General Ghulam Muhammad and endorsed by the superior Court of Pakistan. Discuss and analyze its effects on the subsequent history of Pakistan.
Q.7 Federalism has been a continuing cause of political tension in our country. Will the 18th amendment made in the constitution by the present Government solve this issue for all? Take a position and support with your argument.
Q.8 Given the problems that Pakistan is facing today, what is your vision of Pakistan in the year 2011? How, in your opinion, can be its internal and external problems solved?
Pakistan Affairs 2010
Attempt any four questions

Q2. Shah Waliullah realised "The renaissance of Islam and Muslim Society can not be affected until the intellectual life of the Muslims is re-oriented." Discuss Critically.

Q3. Aligarh and Deoband movements had great contrast in their views and mission and their leaders were at daggers drawn with each other. Discuss

Q4. How far is it correct to say Quaid-i-Azam consolidated the nascent state of Pakistan? Comment.

Q5. Why military of Pakistan intervened in Pakistan's politics? What is the role of the present leadership to de-politicize army? Give specific measures.

Q6. What is meant by National Reconciliation? What are it's ingredients? Can we equate National Reconciliation with National Reconciliation Ordinance?

Q7. Compare and contrast the resistance movement of East Pakistan with the present movement of Baluchistan. Suggest remedies.

Q8. Pakistan's industry is providing jobs to various categories of workers and is earning foreign exchange for the country. Comment.

Pakistan Affairs 2009
Attempt any four questions

Q.2 Keeping in view the diverse Muslim reformist Movements of the subcontinent, delineate the sequential unity in the formulation of the ideology of Pakistan.

Q.3 What specific steps were initiated by Sir Syed Ahmed Khan which later on became the agenda points of the movement for Pakistan? How did these steps orient the Political system in Pakistan?

Q.4 Illustrate the role of Quaid-e-Azam for protecting the constitutional rights of Muslims of the subcontinent from 1916-1933?

Q.5 Referring to the evolution of Political System, identify the commonalities in among the martial law administrators of Pakistan?

Q.6 Discuss and debate the diplomatic stance of Pakistan regarding “war on terror “. How can it be improvised in the current geo-political situation?

Q.7 Compare and contrast the dynamics of recent civil society Movement with other movements in the history of Pakistan? What impact would it print on Future of Pakistan?

Q.8 Inspite of strong research base, rich lands, reasonable water resources and various land reforms why agriculture remained less developed in Pakistan.? 

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